Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning focuses on helping faculty create dynamic, engaged learning environments that stimulate student curiosity and intellectual discovery. Whether you’re a first-year faculty member or a tenured professor, the center wants to help you continue to evolve as an educator.

Center resources and support include:


The Center for Teaching and Learning provides grants of up to $500 to support faculty activities that foster curricular or pedagogical innovations that will enhance the learning of Susquehanna University students. Below of some example ideas for grant proposals:

  • To acquire books to help develop a bold, new course that supports the central curriculum
  • To hold a workshop with several colleagues to tackle classroom challenges specific to your discipline
  • To attend a conference focused on innovative teaching strategies

Grant Process

Grant proposals may be submitted at any time (there is no deadline per se). The center director, together with the Center for Teaching and Learning Committee, reviews grant proposals in the order they are received-and awards grants based on the quality of the proposal and the availability of funding.

As specified in the grant application, recipients must agree to make a brief, on-campus presentation (usually part of a relaxed, informal lunch session) where he or she shares with faculty colleagues the lessons that were gleaned from the grant-supported experience. In this way, the knowledge gained by the grant recipient has the potential to influence other Susquehanna faculty members, thus invigorating teaching and learning across the campus at large.

To be considered for a grant, complete the grant application and submit it to Nabeel Siddiqui, assistant professor of communications, via email at (Apfelbaum 115).

Teaching Circles and Mentoring

A variety of faculty networks provide a forum for Susquehanna professors to share their experiences and seek advice from one another-while at the same time building collegiality. These various peer networks, described below, have one important element in common. All of them emphasize flexibility-that is, participating faculty determine how frequently to meet and what pedagogical topics to discuss.

  • Teaching circles. Faculty are paired with two or three peers. Cells meet periodically to discuss teaching tactics, classroom challenges etc. Cells can be formed within or across disciplines, depending on the preference of the participants.

  • Mentoring relationships. For newer faculty who want to avail themselves to the advice of an experienced instructor, the Center for Teaching and Learning suggests a one-on-one mentor relationship.

If you are interested in participating in any of these programs, contact Nabeel Siddiqui, assistant professor of communications. The center can match interested participants with one another, suggest discussion topics and fund activities that encourage peer-to-peer dialogue.


The center frequently hosts workshops and lunches where faculty can learn about teaching strategies and share ideas. Invitations are sent via email and events are promoted on the e-newsletter. Suggest a workshop topic.


If faced with a teaching challenge or classroom concern that is specific to your department, consider inviting the center to sit down and discuss it. The center can investigate what printed resources are available on the subject. Also, the center might be able to provide a department-specific workshop that is tailored to address the issue. Set up a consultation meeting.

Other Services

  • Support development of Central Curriculum courses
  • Provide books and articles about teaching
  • Meet with individual instructors
  • Observe classroom interaction

For more information, contact Nabeel Siddiqui, assistant professor of communications.

GEM Award

The Committee on Teaching and Learning awards Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Awards. Here are some examples:

Aaron White, visiting assistant professor of theatre
Nominated by the cast and crew of She Kills Monsters, for “extreme dedication and innovation during the entire process.”

Samya Bano Zain, associate professor of physics and department head of physics
Nominated for materials she developed for her introductory-level physics class, including coding a web-based version of a “choose your own adventure” study guide.

David McLaughlin, associate professor of education
Nominated for “making science and math come to life for his students.” McLaughlin runs the Saturday Science program for area children and takes his students into the community to share math-related activities at local schools.